domingo, 31 de julio de 2011

The Coco Island was discovered in 1526 by the spanish navigator Juan Cabezas. In 1978 it was declared National Park. The Coco Island is located in the Pacific. In 1997 it was included between the Heritage of the Humanity by the UNESCO.

The Coco Island is located to 532 km from the Costa Rican coast. It has 23,85 km² of terrestrial area and it measures 7,6 km from length and 4,4 km from width. The island is one of thirteen districts of Puntarenas's canton of Puntarenas's province.

The Coco Island has 235 species of identified plants, 362 of insects.
Also 3 species of spiders are registered, 85 of birds, 57 of crustaceans, 118 of mollusks; more than 200 of fish and 18 corals.
   The Coco Island possesses a ranger station in Wafer's Bay, in the north zone of the island. The Coco Island possesses neither roads nor hotels, nor any type of infrastructure.

The Coco Island to been famous of being for centuries, the favorite refuge of the pirates and buccaneers. Also because it was scene of the fiction novel of Michael Crichton " Jurassic park " 

After of the classifying between the 77 chosen ones of a list of 440 participants, to stay out of the competition to choose the new seven wonders of the modern world.